

Seven Things

I’m getting in on this “Seven Things” deal by way of being “tagged” by Ben Ramsey. And yes, Ben, while I am technically your “boss,” we’re all still on vacation, so…that doesn’t count now. Or something. Cut it out. So, here are my seven things, which have been rolling around my head all day. Here we go: I’m a triplet. My other two brothers, Brad and Brent, live in Baltimore and Kansas City respectively.

Converting lowercase_with_underscores to camelCase

I have a case where I’m retrieving an array of associative arrays from a database as shown below: Array ( \[0\] => Array ( \[id\] => 1 \[some\_id\] => 100001 \[some\_company\_name\] => Foo \[name\] => Bar \[created\] => 2008-12-25 21:13:58 \[last\_updated\] => 2008-12-30 23:32:43 ) ) …but I need to represent this structure in XML. I have a pre-defined standard in my XML request/response that the element names are to be camel cased.

Zend_Log_Writer_Mail: approved for Standard Incubator!

As a follow-up to my recent post, my Zend_Log_Writer_Mail proposal has been accepted as-is into the Zend Framework Standard Incubator! Thanks to Matthew Weier O’Phinney, my Zend Liasion, and everyone else that commented on it, reviewed it, and weighed in during the review process. Truth be told, it’s a really simple, silly component, but based on some feedback received, a handful of people should find it useful. I’ve now got to write some unit tests and documentation, but I’m hoping to get it into the repository by January 4th or so.

PHP/technical New Year's resolutions - 2009

Reflecting on my 2008 New Year’s resolutions, I didn’t accomplish all of them. The only one I really even began to tackle was contributing to Zend Framework. I participated in PHP TestFest, and my tests ended up making their way into CVS, so that was a nice surprise. I did manage to speak at both php|tek 2008 and ZendCon 2008, so that was good…though not really a resolution of mine.

DeShong.net now at Slicehost

After much input from many of my colleagues, I have decided to move all of my DeShong.net sites and services to Slicehost. I’ve been with DreamHost for almost three years now, but decided it was time for a change. Among the factors in this are: I want to move my email hosting to Gmail for Domains – it seems far superior to DreamHost nowadays DreamHost seems to be somewhat oversold; performance on my shared hosting package is pretty poor DreamHost recently moved me to a new server, which is fine, but my existing PHP CGI setup broke (which I had done during the days when they were still running PHP 4 as a module, but I wanted more custom configuration control) I never had enough control over my LAMP setup, which has always bugged me.